in accordance with a Free trade zone between United stated and Mexico named Maquiladora. at that time of establishment, We have been needed two companys which one of them is United stated basis as selling company ,another of them is Mexican factory as production plant.Currently,IMMEX is replaced with NAFTA agreement which United State companys can place orders of machines, equipments and materials from Mexico in free of tax. However Mexican companys have a function which can produce productions ,on the other hand, cannot sell products in Mexico domestically. Therefore, As the term of transaction,Contracting with Kamiita International, Inc. in United State and KAMIMEX S.A. DE C.V. accepts consignment production and delivery.All of products produced in KAMIMEX S.A. DE C.V. have to be exported to United State. in an exceptional case, it is possible to deliver products by the company which accept the acknowledgment as intermaquiladora through KAMIMEX S.A. DE C.V. to Mexico domestically